

之前推的那篇McCreaper"Half Measures",有人翻囉!翻譯的是PPPParkinglot,在lofter就找的到他喔💕

1.this is your racing heart by tajiis
Summary:Jack doesn't understand what about this Enforcer is so familiar.
psycho pass AU,76R無差,PG,監視官!Jack,執行官!Reyes,被洗腦忘記過去的Jack與Reyes搭檔。

2.I will protect you through the night. By pocketnoodl (Evra)
Summary:What is true about vampires and what not?

3.Breaking and Entering by W4nderingStar
Summary:Jack and Gabe take the closest thing they can to a vacation. (Sort of)

4.singularity by en passant (corinthian)
Summary:Snapshots. They used to fit together perfectly.

5.In the Dark by raphae11e, twitchtipthegnawer
Summary:Reyes would have been glad that Jack was too much of a traditionalist to celebrate Beltane with something as asinine as a Maypole, but he kind of liked the phallic imagery. Not that he wasn’t going to get his hands on some phallic imagery anyway-- it was a fertility festival, after all-- but it would’ve been kind of funny to see Jack dancing around one regardless.

6.Push Me by sugarwolf
Summary:Lúcio was going to be the death of Gabe. He was going to die with a head between his thighs, and music in his ears. Lúcio knew just how to push Gabe’s buttons; how to push and push until Gabe felt like he was going to break. He doesn’t think he’ll ever get tired of being taken apart by Lúcio’s fingers or his mouth.

